Friday, January 30, 2009

Networking or Relationship Building?

Many networking groups focus on getting leads immediately while others seem to be more interested in developing relationships which can take time. Which is best?

Getting immediate leads is great for the short term and we all need that but you also want to develop some long term relationships that will sustain you. If you only focus on getting a quick lead then you will be constantly having to refill your pipeline as each lead will eventually dry up.
By developing relationships you will always have a pipeline that is brimming with activity and people who want to help you.

True ,each person will not need what you have to offer but do you know who they know?
I have had clients referred to me by people who have never used my services but they knew me and trusted me. By helping other people you will get so much more in return. :-) As you do you will become know as someone who is trustworthy and people will be delighted to send business your way.

I believe that you need to attend different networking events for different reasons. keep going to the leads groups to feed you mouth today and also stick with developing those long term relationships to keep food on the table all year long. ;-)

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