Sunday, February 17, 2008

Four Steps to Improve Your Focus

Stay Focused on Your Vision

So what are you focused on? Did you know that studies have shown humans have some 40,000 random thoughts per day? So what are you thinking about? How can you stay focused on growing your business when you have all of these other thoughts floating around in your head?

The following four steps will help you to improve your focus.
  1. Become really clear about what you want.
  • A friend of mine who is a Realtor says “Buyers are Liars!” What she means by this is that when someone comes in to look for a house the have a list of what they want, how big, what amenities, etc. 9 out of 10 times she tells me what they buy is not at all what they asked for. They often have to look at a lot of homes to find out what they don’t want before they become clear on what they do want. What are your priorities? Are you chasing after something only to find out that you really don’t want it?

2. Set your intention. Write it out; say it, live by it.

  • When my husband and I moved to a small town to begin a new business we intended to enjoy life, have fun and lead a more stress free life. When we realized that we were more stressed and not having fun we knew something had to change. This was not our intention.

3. Eliminate distractions and energy drains

  • These could be small things like a computer that is not working properly and needs to be fixed. It could be something larger such as a client you may need to fire. If someone or something is draining your energy you will not be able to stay focused on your dreams.

4. Shift your beliefs

What do you believe that is no longer working for you? Using Visualization, affirmations and gratitude you can shift those old beliefs!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

FEAR- False Evidence Appearing Real

And boy can it ever appear real! We all have fear from time to time but I find that most people tell me that they aren't afraid of anything. I'm just nervous they might say. But isn't that one in the same?

I think awareness of how you are feeling inside is the first step to moving past the fear, the dread, the uncertainty, the nervousness or whatever you may want to call it. Acknowledge the emotion and acknowledge that you are human and as such you are are going to experience all sorts of different emotions.

It's the lableing that gets us. This emotion is good and that one is bad. Not True!

Emotions are not good or bad. Emotions help to guide you. It's your body's way of saying " Hey wait a minute buddy! Pay attention here."

In business your emotions can alert you of a potentially disasterous situation. That is if you are aware. If you are noticing from day to day what emotions you are feeling and not putting a lable on them you will be open to the intuitive guidance that can lead your business down the road of success.

Monday, February 11, 2008

My first blog

So here I am finally entering the world of blogging! I am not really quite sure what to say and I am beginning to feel as if I might be rambling.

But that's Ok because trying something new is always exciting.

It's funny 10 years ago I hardly used the internet. I didn't use it at all for marketing. All of my marketing was either done in person or by the US postal service. As the owner of a Holistic Center in the 90's it was really important to get face to face with the people I marketed to. Yoga, Meditation, massage and some of the other services my center offered was not very well known or accepted so it was important that people get to know me personally in order become comfortable enough to use our services.

It is still important. People like to do business with friends and people they know and trust. I don't think that will ever change. Blogging, however, can give people you may never have a chance to meet face to face to get to know you. It can also give your clients and potential clients a taste of the real you. I think it is important to let your hair down a bit, not always trying to sell something. So if I appear to be rambling a bit please forgive.

My intention is to use this blog to connect more and help Healing Arts Professionals to build a healthy, sustainable business to allow them the ability to stay in the business they love and help more people.