Thursday, July 15, 2010

Who are you listening to?

My friend Linda always lifts me up. She is so positive and always urges me on with my ideas. Now I don't mean to say that she supports any lame brain idea I might come up with. LOL

She listens. I mean she really listens and she wants to see me succeed. She offers encouragement and continually tells me that I can.

Do you have people in your life who tell you "Yes! You can" If not I suggest finding some.

Often the people closest to us are afraid to see us fail. They are so afraid that they actually set us up for failure by constantly telling us that this idea or that idea probably won't work. They don't intentionally set us up for failure it's just that they are too close. Maybe they have seen us unhappy when a plan we had didn't work and they don't want us to experience that again. They want us to be safe. There is nothing wrong with that. :-)

However, when you are trying to get your sales up or your business going you need someone who will be there pushing and pulling you up the ladder of success.You need someone who will notice the holes in your plan and help you see how you can fill those holes while always believing in you and your ability to succeed.This is often why people hire a coach to help them achieve their goals. A coach has no agenda other than helping you to succeed.:-)

So find a coach or cheerleader today and hang around them often. You will soon find your dreams becoming a reality!

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