Have you ever gone shopping for something, maybe a car for instance? When you arrived at the place of business salespeople seemed to appear out of the woodwork like hungry vultures .They sized you up before approaching and began their sales pitch without ever discovering what your needs were.
I don't know about you but when this happens to me I am heading for the door. I can't find a way out of this place fast enough.
I go to a lot of networking events where this happens also. People rush up to tell you all about who they are and what they do without even taking a breath to ask about you. If they do ask what you what you do it is obvious that they are not really listening but looking for a way to tell you more about them.
If you notice that people are avoiding you at networking events you may be guilty of this very action.. The next event you go to try this.
1. Before you go inside take a few minutes to focus on your heart. Take a few nice slow deep breaths ,continuing to focus on your heart.
2. Set the intention that you will connect with and help at least 5 people today.
3. Now go in and just listen, this time really listen with your heart.
Before long you will notice that people are naturally attracted to you and will eagerly refer clients.
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