Personally I usually find more benefit attending the event and networking with attendees, however if you are planning to have a booth the following tips will ensure that you benefit.
Pull the table to the back of the booth to make it more inviting and encourage prospects to come into your space.
Stand and greet each person as they come in.Wear comfortable shoes as it may be along day. Someone who is standing appears to be ready to do business wher someone sitting does not. It's all about perception.
a few qualifing questions in mind that you can ask. If this is a busy show you will notbe able to talk to eveybody so
maximize your time by spending the most time with those who are interested.
Better to have a drawing for a larger gift that waste money on alot of little things that may get thrown in the trash later.(Thats where my loot usually goes after a trade show:-)
5. Try to
give a gift that comes from your business. If you sell a service like coaching you could offer a month of coaching. A maid service could offer a month of free maid service. This will also help to qualify your prospects.
6. Get people to
put in a business card to your basket for a drawing instead of filling out a form. You know you will be able to read it :-) and it will keep the line flowing.
Follow up.8.
Follow up. I am repeating because this is where most people drop the ball. Have a "Thank you for stopping by my booth" letter preparedand ready to go as soon as you get home. Buy a card reader if you don'talready have one and scan the information into your data baseimmediately. send the letter to all who attended.
Separate your cards and note which ones where "hot leads". These are people who spent a lot of time talking to you in your booth about what you do.
Call them the day after the show. Don't let grass grow under your feet. Get them while they are hot!
Oh did I mention? Follow up!