Thursday, July 30, 2009

Market to yourself first

I call this blog Marketing From the Inside---> Out because I believe that before you can convince anyone to buy anything from you, your product or your service, you have to first sell yourself.

You absolutely have to believe that your product or your service is worthwhile. You have to believe that you are worthwhile. So begin your marketing plan by investing in yourself first. Court yourself like you would a prospect, spending time to build your confidence.

I listen to motivational and inspirational audios while I am driving in the car, putting on my makeup and getting dressed, making breakfast etc. I know that by feeding my mind a steady diet of positive thoughts I will build my confidence muscles.

Then when I am in front of a prospect I don't stumble and find myself at a loss for words. I am relaxed and at ease knowing what I know a comfortably sharing it with my audience.

So start you day, each and every day with powerful and uplifting thoughts. You will find yourself marketing your way to success.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

If you sometimes find yourself putting off what you could have done today. Watch the following video.

Eat That Frog!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Keep things in perspective

I hear a lot of people lately complaining about how tough things are these days. I hope the following video will help to inspire and motivate you to put your life into perspective. If it seems that your life or your business is just not going the way you want it to go, maybe it's time to stop, smell the roses and notice what you do have.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Dance with Gratitude and watch your business soar!

If you really want to become more attractive to others to grow your business you need to stay in Gratitude. When you constantly stay focused on what is going right and what is good in your life you can't help but notice all of the good things that keep showing up.

Lately there has been a lot of negativity and fear in the news. stop watching. All this will do is bring your energy down and cause you to focus on what you don't want to happen.

Instead, join my friends, the Grati-dudes in this fun and exhilirating dance. What a great way to start your day. Visit and start dancing!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Yes! You Can!

"What's this Grandman?" He held a business card in his little hand as he inquired. "Oh Grayson," his grandpa replied, "That was for a business I tried to get started but it just wouldn't work. I just couldn't do it," Grandman replied.

Quietly the small child picked up the card and turned it over. How do you spell "You can" he asked while picking up a pen. Stunned, grandman told him how to spell the words and watched as he wrote on the back of the card, You Can. Quietly he handed the card back and left the room.

Yes you can!

Whatever it is, know that you can!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

What's play got to do with business?

Maybe like my coaching client Penny you believe that adults are not supposed to play. Penny was an entrepreneur starting her first business when I met her. She was putting in 12 to 14 hours a day at her office and bringing work home also. Penny believed that if she just worked hard enough and put in enough effort soon her business would be blooming and she could take off that much needed time to enjoy life. But she was going on year three and though she felt her business had grown substantially she was still putting in long hours.

After listening to her story I asked Penny why she wanted to go into business for herself. “I wanted more control” she replied. Then laughing she went on to say, “I had a boss who was always giving me projects that had to be done right when I was getting ready to leave for the day. I wanted control over my time. Now look at me, my new boss is even more demanding”.

“So play hooky” I said. Oh I couldn’t Penny replied. What would people think? My clients might need me and if I am not available they may go somewhere else. This is a common fear for anyone in business for themselves. Penny’s mind was running away with all of the “oughta’s” in her life. I oughta do this, I oughta do that. She had forgotten what she wanted and why she had gone into business for herself anyway.

So Penny’s homework was to play hooky for one day. No phone calls, no emails. She was instructed to go to a park by herself and swing, fly a kite or do what ever else she used to like to do as a child. The first few hours were tough she admitted, she desperately wanted to check in with the office to see how things were going. She felt guilty having missed a valuable networking meeting and wondered if she missed out on any new business. About halfway through the day however as she was flying her kite she began to relax and actually felt a smile creep up on her face. It had been too long since she smiled like that, you know that genuine smile that comes from deep inside and spreads across your face and then flows throughout your body. It felt good!

After a while Penny pulled the kite down and just lied down in the clover and watched the clouds, noticing the shapes they move in and out of. She was so relaxed and had finally let go of all thoughts of her business. Then out of the blue an idea came to Penny. Why didn’t I think of this before, she wondered. Penny had an idea of how to attract more clients with less work on her part.

By moving into this relaxed state, Penny was able to see a solution that before had been clouded by her “oughta’s” . In the bestselling book, The Breakout Principle, Dr. Herbert Benson and William Proctor talk about the 4 stages that encompass the breakout principle. The process begins with hard mental or physical struggle. This is where Penny was when she came to see me.

The second stage involves “letting go”, “backing off” or releasing your mind from the hard work mode. This is when Penny began to play and started to “forget” about her work. According to the authors, the most important charteristic of this second stage is that you must completely sever prior thought and emotional patterns.

They further state that The Breakout will always be accompanied by a greater sense of well being and relaxation. This new unstressed mindset will often lead to peak experiences in the third stage such as the creative insight Penny experienced.

Finally, the authors conclude the 4th stage is a “new normal” state- including ongoing improved performance and mind body patterns.

So now tell me, can you really afford not to play!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Is your business attractive?

So what is all of the attraction to the law of attraction? Does it work? Can you really learn to manifest? You already are! But do you want what you are attracting?

My first year in business I used to run into one of my building neighbors in the hallway or in the deli downstairs. This particular gentleman was a psychologist. After a while I began to avoid him as he was the picture of doom and gloom.

When asked how things were going for him he would shuffle his feet and looking down say in a flat monotone voice, “It’s terrible, just terrible. What with managed care taking over and the government taking their share a poor bloke like me hasn’t got a chance. Before you know it they will run us all out of business. The paperwork is horrendous. Why I barely have time to see clients and the insurance doesn’t want to pay when I do have clients. People can’t afford to pay for my services. “Oh I wish I had more clients. I can hardly afford my rent “

I don’t doubt the man really wanted more clients but all he seemed to focus on was the lack of clients and lack is exactly what the universe sent him. Do you think all psychologists experienced the same situation? How about Dr. Phil? He seems to be doing rather well doesn’t he? What is he attracting?

Attraction is when you are so focused on the end result that nothing else enters your mind! What are you attracting?

The famous tennis player, Andre Aggasi once commented when interviewed; “When I am on the court all I see is that little yellow green tennis ball coming towards me. All I think about is the action of my racket hitting the ball. I do not hear the roar of the crowds or see anyone there.” Tiger Woods father Earl Woods used to comment that Tiger could put himself in a zone.

Both of these men are describing a highly focused state, one that professional athletes have used for years to win competitions and succeed at their profession. This state is really not any different than the one the psychologist created, however the results are vastly different.

So what are you focused on? Did you know that studies have shown humans have some 40,000 random thoughts per day? So what are you thinking about? How can you stay focused on growing your business when you have all of these other thoughts floating around in your head.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ten Powerful Questions

  1. What is the most important thing I need to do today? (Do it first!)
  2. What am I trying to accomplish right now?
  3. Who can I thank today?
  4. What are my top 3 current goals?
  5. If the my world was going to end within one year, what would I be doing right now?
  6. What action can I take instead of worry right now?
  7. How can I be a kinder person today?
  8. How will I “pay it forward” today?
  9. How and with whom can I partner today to make 1+1=3?
  10. What’s the most powerful thing I can do right now, today to increase my business?

Take a few minutes and answer these powerful coaching questions. Every day read the list and reflect.

Are you staying focused?

If you are a true entrepreneur this is probably a difficult task for you. Entrepreneurs are creative, always coming up with new ideas and can easily drift off in a new direction.

They can often see the big picture but find it hard to stay on the road to reach success. If this sounds like you don't fret, you are not alone. Try one or all of these three steps to stay on track.

1.Spend a few minutes a day in meditation. This will take some work at first if you are not used to meditating. Start by focusing your mind for 2 or 3 minutes then gradually work up to 15. Make it a game. How long can you stay focused.

2.Keep a special journal for new ideas. Write them down and say to yourself, "This is for later. Right now I choose to stay with they plan I have already started.

3.Hire a coach or find a mentor to hold you accountable. Working with someone who knows your goals will help you to stay on the path to success. It's the same reason that people have success with weight watchers or by hiring a personal trainer to help them with their weight goals. Entrepreneurs are often working from home and need that connection and accountability that a coach or mentor can offer.

Monday, February 23, 2009

How do I get the most out of networking at a convention?

The first thing that came to my mind was to let your hair down. Go to this event with the intention to have fun and help a lot of people. This will take the pressure off to get it right. When you are authentically you, you will be attractive to the clients who are perfect for you.
You may find clients at this event, but you may also find people to joint venture with or set up a strategic alliances with. Be open to all possibilities.

Make sure you hand out cards to those who are interested but more importantly ask for their card. If there is someone that you seem to connect well with set up a meeting after the convention to have lunch or coffee. You may send brochures to everyone you meet or better yet connect with them again on a social networking site that you both belong to or invite them to join your site.

Ask for help. People love to help other people and the biggest form of flattery is to ask for their help and advice. Let them know that you are a newbie at the convention and someone will tuck you under their wing glad to be of service.

So just go out there and have some fun! :-)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Ten tips to make the most out of your convention booth

Personally I usually find more benefit attending the event and networking with attendees, however if you are planning to have a booth the following tips will ensure that you benefit.

1. Pull the table to the back of the booth to make it more inviting and encourage prospects to come into your space.

2. Stand and greet each person as they come in.Wear comfortable shoes as it may be along day. Someone who is standing appears to be ready to do business wher someone sitting does not. It's all about perception.

3.Have a few qualifing questions in mind that you can ask. If this is a busy show you will notbe able to talk to eveybody so maximize your time by spending the most time with those who are interested.

4. Better to have a drawing for a larger gift that waste money on alot of little things that may get thrown in the trash later.(Thats where my loot usually goes after a trade show:-)

5. Try to give a gift that comes from your business. If you sell a service like coaching you could offer a month of coaching. A maid service could offer a month of free maid service. This will also help to qualify your prospects.

6. Get people to put in a business card to your basket for a drawing instead of filling out a form. You know you will be able to read it :-) and it will keep the line flowing.

7. Follow up.

8. Follow up. I am repeating because this is where most people drop the ball. Have a "Thank you for stopping by my booth" letter preparedand ready to go as soon as you get home. Buy a card reader if you don'talready have one and scan the information into your data baseimmediately. send the letter to all who attended.

9. Separate your cards and note which ones where "hot leads". These are people who spent a lot of time talking to you in your booth about what you do. Call them the day after the show. Don't let grass grow under your feet. Get them while they are hot!

10. Oh did I mention? Follow up!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Are you using covert operations to get someone to hear you?

I often hear my clients say that they don't feel heard. They are frustrated with their colleagues, business partners and others in their life because they do not feel that anyone is listening. So we talk about communication.

What I find is that there is often a lot of beating around the bush when it comes to telling someone, especially someone you have a close business or personal relationship. We don't want to rock the boat or have a confrontation. So we often hint at what we want and suggest that things be done a certain way. I have had clients tell me that they sent their partner an article or book to get their point across. When their suggestion or hint isn't taken they become angry and frustrated and often blow up unexpectedly leaving the other person caught off guard.

4 steps to Clear communication

1. Ask the person involved to set up time for a meeting. When someone is busy or distracted and you try to talk to them they may not hear you.

2. Check your emotions at the door. Approaching someone with a chip on your shoulder will not help you to get heard.

3. At the meeting, tell the other person that you have not felt heard and ask them to really listen . Let them know that this is something that is important to you.

4. After you speak stop and listen to what the other person has to say with an open mind. Their view of the situation may be different from yours. Repeat back what you think you heard and clarify. Ask them to do the same with you

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Are you fully dressed for success?

You get up. You shower. Brush your hair and teeth. You may also shave or put on makeup as the case may be. :-) You pick out the perfect outfit for the day you have planned.

And then what? Are you really ready and dressed for success?

As you begin to rush out the door for that meeting or appointment stop and dress your mind for success.

What are you thinking about?
What do you intend for your day?
Did you feed you mind something positive this morning?

We all know the importance of eating a healthy and balanced breakfast. Take a moment to feed you mind. Get some motivational and inspiring audios and listen while you shower, eat breakfast or drive to work. Feed your brain the right food and you will discover just how well it can perform for you!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Marketing from your heart

Have you ever gone shopping for something, maybe a car for instance? When you arrived at the place of business salespeople seemed to appear out of the woodwork like hungry vultures .They sized you up before approaching and began their sales pitch without ever discovering what your needs were.

I don't know about you but when this happens to me I am heading for the door. I can't find a way out of this place fast enough.

I go to a lot of networking events where this happens also. People rush up to tell you all about who they are and what they do without even taking a breath to ask about you. If they do ask what you what you do it is obvious that they are not really listening but looking for a way to tell you more about them.

If you notice that people are avoiding you at networking events you may be guilty of this very action.. The next event you go to try this.

1. Before you go inside take a few minutes to focus on your heart. Take a few nice slow deep breaths ,continuing to focus on your heart.

2. Set the intention that you will connect with and help at least 5 people today.

3. Now go in and just listen, this time really listen with your heart.

Before long you will notice that people are naturally attracted to you and will eagerly refer clients.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Create new opportunities


Heading in a new direction
Allowing the feelings to surface
you will begin to
Notice the opportunities
you will appreciate and have

Gratitude for the lessons
and will

Enjoy the results
of your transformation.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Networking or Relationship Building?

Many networking groups focus on getting leads immediately while others seem to be more interested in developing relationships which can take time. Which is best?

Getting immediate leads is great for the short term and we all need that but you also want to develop some long term relationships that will sustain you. If you only focus on getting a quick lead then you will be constantly having to refill your pipeline as each lead will eventually dry up.
By developing relationships you will always have a pipeline that is brimming with activity and people who want to help you.

True ,each person will not need what you have to offer but do you know who they know?
I have had clients referred to me by people who have never used my services but they knew me and trusted me. By helping other people you will get so much more in return. :-) As you do you will become know as someone who is trustworthy and people will be delighted to send business your way.

I believe that you need to attend different networking events for different reasons. keep going to the leads groups to feed you mouth today and also stick with developing those long term relationships to keep food on the table all year long. ;-)

Friday, January 23, 2009

Change your attitude, change your life!

I read the following story years ago and it stuck with me. I would give credit to the author if I knew who that was. ;-)

David, a second grader, was bumped while getting on the schoolbus and suffered a two inch cut on his cheek. At recess he collided with another boy and lost two teeth. At noon while sliding on ice, he fell and broke his wrist. Later at the hospital, his father noticed David was clutching a quarter in his good hand. David said, " I found it on the ground when I fell and this is the first quarter I ever found. This sure is my lucky day!"

So now really, is this your lucky day!

Every day is my lucky day because it's all good. That's right! Even those things that I want to call bad, horrible, disappointing or whatever. it's all good! Each and everything that has ever happened in my life has brought me to where I am right now; to who I am right now. The people in my life who have brought me grief or heartache are all blessings. If I choose I can look beneath the surface and see the gifts in each and every situation.

What are the gifts you are receiving?